What is it?

What’s in the Cards? is a newsletter documenting the conversation between an amateur tarot reader (that’s me!) and an interesting person (perhaps you!) during a traditional three-card tarot spread.

By combining my love for tarot and storytelling, my aim is to encourage a diverse and inspiring set of individuals to be honest and vulnerable about what they’ve survived (past), how they’re currently feeling (present) and what their greatest hopes and desires are (future). That’s easier said than done, but I believe tarot is the perfect tool for encouraging openness and gaining understanding, which ultimately leads to healing — if you’re into that sort of thing.

I started this project because tarot cards have a story to tell and so do you. We can’t control the cards we’re dealt — or have pulled — but we can control how we react to their messages. Only then can we use their wisdom to develop and share our personal narratives. That’s why I choose to surrender to what a tarot spread is trying to teach me versus allowing my fear and defense mechanisms to takeover when I pull some of the more “unfavorable” cards like “Death” or “Five of Cups.”

Folks often turn to tarot when they feel stagnant, scared or not in control. Elizabeth Gilbert said it best: “You never had control, all you had was anxiety.” And anxiety is one of the reasons why so many people are buying their own decks. It’s also why so many are afraid or wary of getting their cards read. Just remember: Tarot cards are not a Magic 8-Ball. They’re not fortune tellers — they’re simply a GPS for navigating your inner truth.

Through this newsletter, my wish is for people to use tarot as a form of self-care, much like journaling or meditating. Tarot has unifying powers; we’ve all had a life experience or felt an emotion that is somehow connected to the themes of the cards. Whether that feeling is joy, triumph or grief, it’s meant to be shared. So, thanks in advance to the folks who are brave enough to ask “What’s in the cards?” and allow me to share their stories here. May their words inspire you to look inward and ask the hard questions for yourself.

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Tarot cards tell stories. What's yours?


Don't read into it — just read tarot